INSERT INTO `t_st_model_runlog` (id, `modelid`, `run_time`, `run_type`, `run_result`)
select *
from t_st_model_runlog
where run_type in ('separation_control','DensityPredict')
order by run_time desc
limit 10
select *
from t_st_model_runlog
where run_type in ('dosing_control','Dosingsystempre')
order by run_time desc
limit 10
select *
from t_st_model_runlog
where run_type = #{runType}
order by run_time desc
limit #{limit}
from t_st_model_runlog
where run_time between #{startdate} and #{enddate}
SELECT a.model_code,a.model_name,b.* FROM t_st_model a,t_st_model_runlog b
where = b.modelid
and a.model_code LIKE concat(concat("%",#{params.modelCode}),"%")
and a.model_name LIKE concat(concat("%",#{params.modelName}),"%")
and b.run_time >= #{params.startTime}
and b.run_time <= #{params.endTime}
order by b.run_time desc
SELECT a.model_code,a.model_name,b.* FROM t_st_model a,t_st_model_runlog b
where = b.modelid
and a.model_code LIKE concat(concat("%",#{modelCode}),"%")
and a.model_name LIKE concat(concat("%",#{modelName}),"%")
order by b.run_time desc