From ea121e2ac6f846e85d28db69b0a9a0af308082be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 潘志宝 <>
Date: 星期一, 20 一月 2025 17:59:17 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

 iailab-module-data/iailab-module-data-biz/src/main/java/com/iailab/module/data/common/interceptor/ |  170 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diff --git a/iailab-module-data/iailab-module-data-biz/src/main/java/com/iailab/module/data/common/interceptor/ b/iailab-module-data/iailab-module-data-biz/src/main/java/com/iailab/module/data/common/interceptor/
index 4369aea..743af73 100644
--- a/iailab-module-data/iailab-module-data-biz/src/main/java/com/iailab/module/data/common/interceptor/
+++ b/iailab-module-data/iailab-module-data-biz/src/main/java/com/iailab/module/data/common/interceptor/
@@ -1,89 +1,81 @@
-// * Copyright (c) 2018 人人开源 All rights reserved.
-// *
-// *
-// *
-// * 版权所有,侵权必究!
-// */
-//package com.iailab.module.common.interceptor;
-//import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil;
-//import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.PluginUtils;
-//import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.inner.InnerInterceptor;
-//import net.sf.jsqlparser.JSQLParserException;
-//import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression;
-//import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.StringValue;
-//import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.conditional.AndExpression;
-//import net.sf.jsqlparser.parser.CCJSqlParserUtil;
-//import org.apache.ibatis.executor.Executor;
-//import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.BoundSql;
-//import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.MappedStatement;
-//import org.apache.ibatis.session.ResultHandler;
-//import org.apache.ibatis.session.RowBounds;
-//import java.util.Map;
-// * 数据过滤
-// *
-// * @author Mark
-// */
-//public class DataFilterInterceptor implements InnerInterceptor {
-//    @Override
-//    public void beforeQuery(Executor executor, MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql) {
-//        DataScope scope = getDataScope(parameter);
-//        // 不进行数据过滤
-//        if(scope == null || StrUtil.isBlank(scope.getSqlFilter())){
-//            return;
-//        }
-//        // 拼接新SQL
-//        String buildSql = getSelect(boundSql.getSql(), scope);
-//        // 重写SQL
-//        PluginUtils.mpBoundSql(boundSql).sql(buildSql);
-//    }
-//    private DataScope getDataScope(Object parameter){
-//        if (parameter == null){
-//            return null;
-//        }
-//        // 判断参数里是否有DataScope对象
-//        if (parameter instanceof Map) {
-//            Map<?, ?> parameterMap = (Map<?, ?>) parameter;
-//            for (Map.Entry entry : parameterMap.entrySet()) {
-//                if (entry.getValue() != null && entry.getValue() instanceof DataScope) {
-//                    return (DataScope) entry.getValue();
-//                }
-//            }
-//        } else if (parameter instanceof DataScope) {
-//            return (DataScope) parameter;
-//        }
-//        return null;
-//    }
-//    private String getSelect(String buildSql, DataScope scope){
-//        try {
-//            Select select = (Select) CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(buildSql);
-//            PlainSelect plainSelect = (PlainSelect) select.getSelectBody();
-//            Expression expression = plainSelect.getWhere();
-//            if(expression == null){
-//                plainSelect.setWhere(new StringValue(scope.getSqlFilter()));
-//            }else{
-//                AndExpression andExpression =  new AndExpression(expression, new StringValue(scope.getSqlFilter()));
-//                plainSelect.setWhere(andExpression);
-//            }
-//            return select.toString().replaceAll("'", "");
-//        }catch (JSQLParserException e){
-//            return buildSql;
-//        }
-//    }
\ No newline at end of file
+import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil;
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.PluginUtils;
+import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.inner.InnerInterceptor;
+import net.sf.jsqlparser.JSQLParserException;
+import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.Expression;
+import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.StringValue;
+import net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.operators.conditional.AndExpression;
+import net.sf.jsqlparser.parser.CCJSqlParserUtil;
+import org.apache.ibatis.executor.Executor;
+import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.BoundSql;
+import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.MappedStatement;
+import org.apache.ibatis.session.ResultHandler;
+import org.apache.ibatis.session.RowBounds;
+import java.util.Map;
+ * 数据过滤
+ *
+ * @author Mark
+ */
+public class DataFilterInterceptor implements InnerInterceptor {
+    @Override
+    public void beforeQuery(Executor executor, MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql) {
+        DataScope scope = getDataScope(parameter);
+        // 不进行数据过滤
+        if(scope == null || StrUtil.isBlank(scope.getSqlFilter())){
+            return;
+        }
+        // 拼接新SQL
+        String buildSql = getSelect(boundSql.getSql(), scope);
+        // 重写SQL
+        PluginUtils.mpBoundSql(boundSql).sql(buildSql);
+    }
+    private DataScope getDataScope(Object parameter){
+        if (parameter == null){
+            return null;
+        }
+        // 判断参数里是否有DataScope对象
+        if (parameter instanceof Map) {
+            Map<?, ?> parameterMap = (Map<?, ?>) parameter;
+            for (Map.Entry entry : parameterMap.entrySet()) {
+                if (entry.getValue() != null && entry.getValue() instanceof DataScope) {
+                    return (DataScope) entry.getValue();
+                }
+            }
+        } else if (parameter instanceof DataScope) {
+            return (DataScope) parameter;
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    private String getSelect(String buildSql, DataScope scope){
+        try {
+            Select select = (Select) CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(buildSql);
+            PlainSelect plainSelect = (PlainSelect) select.getSelectBody();
+            Expression expression = plainSelect.getWhere();
+            if(expression == null){
+                plainSelect.setWhere(new StringValue(scope.getSqlFilter()));
+            }else{
+                AndExpression andExpression =  new AndExpression(expression, new StringValue(scope.getSqlFilter()));
+                plainSelect.setWhere(andExpression);
+            }
+            return select.toString().replaceAll("'", "");
+        }catch (JSQLParserException e){
+            return buildSql;
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file

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