From 6b13839488edcd06046e26a41fe897358176689c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 潘志宝 <>
Date: 星期五, 13 十二月 2024 17:56:41 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] 采集质量

 iailab-module-bpm/iailab-module-bpm-biz/src/main/java/com/iailab/module/bpm/framework/flowable/core/util/ |  686 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 686 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/iailab-module-bpm/iailab-module-bpm-biz/src/main/java/com/iailab/module/bpm/framework/flowable/core/util/ b/iailab-module-bpm/iailab-module-bpm-biz/src/main/java/com/iailab/module/bpm/framework/flowable/core/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dfac59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iailab-module-bpm/iailab-module-bpm-biz/src/main/java/com/iailab/module/bpm/framework/flowable/core/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+package com.iailab.module.bpm.framework.flowable.core.util;
+import cn.hutool.core.collection.CollUtil;
+import cn.hutool.core.lang.Assert;
+import cn.hutool.core.util.*;
+import com.iailab.framework.common.util.collection.CollectionUtils;
+import com.iailab.module.bpm.controller.admin.definition.vo.model.simple.BpmSimpleModelNodeVO;
+import com.iailab.module.bpm.enums.definition.*;
+import com.iailab.module.bpm.framework.flowable.core.enums.BpmTaskCandidateStrategyEnum;
+import com.iailab.module.bpm.framework.flowable.core.enums.BpmnModelConstants;
+import com.iailab.module.bpm.framework.flowable.core.listener.BpmCopyTaskDelegate;
+import org.flowable.bpmn.BpmnAutoLayout;
+import org.flowable.bpmn.constants.BpmnXMLConstants;
+import org.flowable.bpmn.model.Process;
+import org.flowable.bpmn.model.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import static com.iailab.module.bpm.framework.flowable.core.enums.BpmnModelConstants.*;
+import static com.iailab.module.bpm.framework.flowable.core.util.BpmnModelUtils.*;
+import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
+ * 仿钉钉/飞书的模型相关的工具方法
+ * <p>
+ * 1. 核心的逻辑实现,可见 {@link #buildBpmnModel(String, String, BpmSimpleModelNodeVO)} 方法
+ * 2. 所有的 BpmSimpleModelNodeVO 转换成 BPMN FlowNode 元素,可见 {@link NodeConvert} 实现类
+ *
+ * @author jason
+ */
+public class SimpleModelUtils {
+    private static final Map<BpmSimpleModelNodeType, NodeConvert> NODE_CONVERTS = MapUtil.newHashMap();
+    static {
+        List<NodeConvert> converts = asList(new StartNodeConvert(), new EndNodeConvert(),
+                new StartUserNodeConvert(), new ApproveNodeConvert(), new CopyNodeConvert(),
+                new ConditionBranchNodeConvert(), new ParallelBranchNodeConvert(), new InclusiveBranchNodeConvert());
+        converts.forEach(convert -> NODE_CONVERTS.put(convert.getType(), convert));
+    }
+    /**
+     * 仿钉钉流程设计模型数据结构(json)转换成 Bpmn Model
+     * <p>
+     * 整体逻辑如下:
+     * 1. 创建:BpmnModel、Process 对象
+     * 2. 转换:将 BpmSimpleModelNodeVO 转换成 BPMN FlowNode 元素
+     * 3. 连接:构建并添加节点之间的连线 Sequence Flow
+     *
+     * @param processId       流程标识
+     * @param processName     流程名称
+     * @param simpleModelNode 仿钉钉流程设计模型数据结构
+     * @return Bpmn Model
+     */
+    public static BpmnModel buildBpmnModel(String processId, String processName, BpmSimpleModelNodeVO simpleModelNode) {
+        // 1. 创建 BpmnModel
+        BpmnModel bpmnModel = new BpmnModel();
+        bpmnModel.setTargetNamespace(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_NAMESPACE); // 设置命名空间。不加这个,解析 Message 会报 NPE 异常
+        // 创建 Process 对象
+        Process process = new Process();
+        process.setId(processId);
+        process.setName(processName);
+        process.setExecutable(Boolean.TRUE);
+        bpmnModel.addProcess(process);
+        // 2.1 创建 StartNode 节点
+        // 原因是:目前前端的第一个节点是“发起人节点”,所以这里构建一个 StartNode,用于创建 Bpmn 的 StartEvent 节点
+        BpmSimpleModelNodeVO startNode = buildStartNode();
+        startNode.setChildNode(simpleModelNode);
+        // 2.2 将前端传递的 simpleModelNode 数据结构(json),转换成从 BPMN FlowNode 元素,并添加到 Main Process 中
+        traverseNodeToBuildFlowNode(startNode, process);
+        // 3. 构建并添加节点之间的连线 Sequence Flow
+        EndEvent endEvent = BpmnModelUtils.getEndEvent(bpmnModel);
+        traverseNodeToBuildSequenceFlow(process, startNode, endEvent.getId());
+        // 4. 自动布局
+        new BpmnAutoLayout(bpmnModel).execute();
+        return bpmnModel;
+    }
+    private static BpmSimpleModelNodeVO buildStartNode() {
+        return new BpmSimpleModelNodeVO().setId(START_EVENT_NODE_ID)
+                .setName(BpmSimpleModelNodeType.START_USER_NODE.getName())
+                .setType(BpmSimpleModelNodeType.START_NODE.getType());
+    }
+    /**
+     * 遍历节点,构建 FlowNode 元素
+     *
+     * @param node SIMPLE 节点
+     * @param process BPMN 流程
+     */
+    private static void traverseNodeToBuildFlowNode(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node, Process process) {
+        // 1. 判断是否有效节点
+        if (!isValidNode(node)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        BpmSimpleModelNodeType nodeType = BpmSimpleModelNodeType.valueOf(node.getType());
+        Assert.notNull(nodeType, "模型节点类型({})不支持", node.getType());
+        // 2. 处理当前节点
+        NodeConvert nodeConvert = NODE_CONVERTS.get(nodeType);
+        Assert.notNull(nodeConvert, "模型节点类型的转换器({})不存在", node.getType());
+        List<? extends FlowElement> flowElements = nodeConvert.convertList(node);
+        flowElements.forEach(process::addFlowElement);
+        // 3.1 情况一:如果当前是分支节点,并且存在条件节点,则处理每个条件的子节点
+        if (BpmSimpleModelNodeType.isBranchNode(node.getType())
+                && CollUtil.isNotEmpty(node.getConditionNodes())) {
+            // 注意:这里的 item.getChildNode() 处理的是每个条件的子节点,不是处理条件
+            node.getConditionNodes().forEach(item -> traverseNodeToBuildFlowNode(item.getChildNode(), process));
+        }
+        // 3.2 情况二:如果有“子”节点,则递归处理子节点
+        traverseNodeToBuildFlowNode(node.getChildNode(), process);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 遍历节点,构建 SequenceFlow 元素
+     *
+     * @param process Bpmn 流程
+     * @param node 当前节点
+     * @param targetNodeId 目标节点 ID
+     */
+    private static void traverseNodeToBuildSequenceFlow(Process process, BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node, String targetNodeId) {
+        // 1.1 无效节点返回
+        if (!isValidNode(node)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // 1.2 END_NODE 直接返回
+        BpmSimpleModelNodeType nodeType = BpmSimpleModelNodeType.valueOf(node.getType());
+        Assert.notNull(nodeType, "模型节点类型不支持");
+        if (nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.END_NODE) {
+            return;
+        }
+        // 2.1 情况一:普通节点
+        if (!BpmSimpleModelNodeType.isBranchNode(node.getType())) {
+            traverseNormalNodeToBuildSequenceFlow(process, node, targetNodeId);
+        } else {
+            // 2.2 情况二:分支节点
+            traverseBranchNodeToBuildSequenceFlow(process, node, targetNodeId);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 遍历普通(非条件)节点,构建 SequenceFlow 元素
+     *
+     * @param process Bpmn 流程
+     * @param node 当前节点
+     * @param targetNodeId 目标节点 ID
+     */
+    private static void traverseNormalNodeToBuildSequenceFlow(Process process, BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node, String targetNodeId) {
+        BpmSimpleModelNodeVO childNode = node.getChildNode();
+        boolean isChildNodeValid = isValidNode(childNode);
+        // 情况一:有“子”节点,则建立连线
+        // 情况二:没有“子节点”,则直接跟 targetNodeId 建立连线。例如说,结束节点、条件分支(分支节点的孩子节点或聚合节点)的最后一个节点
+        String finalTargetNodeId = isChildNodeValid? childNode.getId() : targetNodeId;
+        SequenceFlow sequenceFlow = buildBpmnSequenceFlow(node.getId(), finalTargetNodeId);
+        process.addFlowElement(sequenceFlow);
+        // 因为有子节点,递归调用后续子节点
+        if (isChildNodeValid) {
+            traverseNodeToBuildSequenceFlow(process, childNode, targetNodeId);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 遍历条件节点,构建 SequenceFlow 元素
+     *
+     * @param process Bpmn 流程
+     * @param node 当前节点
+     * @param targetNodeId 目标节点 ID
+     */
+    private static void traverseBranchNodeToBuildSequenceFlow(Process process, BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node, String targetNodeId) {
+        BpmSimpleModelNodeType nodeType = BpmSimpleModelNodeType.valueOf(node.getType());
+        BpmSimpleModelNodeVO childNode = node.getChildNode();
+        List<BpmSimpleModelNodeVO> conditionNodes = node.getConditionNodes();
+        Assert.notEmpty(conditionNodes, "分支节点的条件节点不能为空");
+        // 分支终点节点 ID
+        String branchEndNodeId = null;
+        if (nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.CONDITION_BRANCH_NODE) { // 条件分支
+            // 分两种情况 1. 分支节点有孩子节点为孩子节点 Id 2. 分支节点孩子为无效节点时 (分支嵌套且为分支最后一个节点) 为分支终点节点 ID
+            branchEndNodeId = isValidNode(childNode) ? childNode.getId() : targetNodeId;
+        } else if (nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.PARALLEL_BRANCH_NODE
+                || nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.INCLUSIVE_BRANCH_NODE) {  // 并行分支或包容分支
+            // 分支节点:分支终点节点 Id 为程序创建的网关集合节点。目前不会从前端传入。
+            branchEndNodeId = buildGatewayJoinId(node.getId());
+        }
+        Assert.notEmpty(branchEndNodeId, "分支终点节点 Id 不能为空");
+        // 3. 遍历分支节点
+        // 下面的注释,以如下情况举例子。分支 1:A->B->C->D->E,分支 2:A->D->E。其中,A 为分支节点, D 为 A 孩子节点
+        for (BpmSimpleModelNodeVO item : conditionNodes) {
+            Assert.isTrue(Objects.equals(item.getType(), BpmSimpleModelNodeType.CONDITION_NODE.getType()),
+                    "条件节点类型({})不符合", item.getType());
+            BpmSimpleModelNodeVO conditionChildNode = item.getChildNode();
+            // 3.1 分支有后续节点。即分支 1: A->B->C->D 的情况
+            if (isValidNode(conditionChildNode)) {
+                // 3.1.1 建立与后续的节点的连线。例如说,建立 A->B 的连线
+                SequenceFlow sequenceFlow = ConditionNodeConvert.buildSequenceFlow(node.getId(), conditionChildNode.getId(), item);
+                process.addFlowElement(sequenceFlow);
+                // 3.1.2 递归调用后续节点连线。例如说,建立 B->C->D 的连线
+                traverseNodeToBuildSequenceFlow(process, conditionChildNode, branchEndNodeId);
+            } else {
+                // 3.2 分支没有后续节点。例如说,建立 A->D 的连线
+                SequenceFlow sequenceFlow = ConditionNodeConvert.buildSequenceFlow(node.getId(), branchEndNodeId, item);
+                process.addFlowElement(sequenceFlow);
+            }
+        }
+        // 4. 如果是并行分支、包容分支,由于是程序创建的聚合网关,需要手工创建聚合网关和下一个节点的连线
+        if (nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.PARALLEL_BRANCH_NODE
+                || nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.INCLUSIVE_BRANCH_NODE ) {
+            String nextNodeId = isValidNode(childNode) ? childNode.getId() : targetNodeId;
+            SequenceFlow sequenceFlow = buildBpmnSequenceFlow(branchEndNodeId, nextNodeId);
+            process.addFlowElement(sequenceFlow);
+        }
+        // 5. 递归调用后续节点 继续递归。例如说,建立 D->E 的连线
+        traverseNodeToBuildSequenceFlow(process, childNode, targetNodeId);
+    }
+    private static SequenceFlow buildBpmnSequenceFlow(String sourceId, String targetId) {
+        return buildBpmnSequenceFlow(sourceId, targetId, null, null, null);
+    }
+    private static SequenceFlow buildBpmnSequenceFlow(String sourceId, String targetId,
+                                                      String sequenceFlowId, String sequenceFlowName,
+                                                      String conditionExpression) {
+        Assert.notEmpty(sourceId, "sourceId 不能为空");
+        Assert.notEmpty(targetId, "targetId 不能为空");
+        // TODO @jason:如果 sequenceFlowId 不存在的时候,是不是要生成一个默认的 sequenceFlowId? @芋艿: 貌似不需要,Flowable 会默认生成;TODO @jason:建议还是搞一个,主要是后续好排查问题。
+        // TODO @jason:如果 name 不存在的时候,是不是要生成一个默认的 name? @芋艿: 不需要生成默认的吧? 这个会在流程图展示的, 一般用户填写的。不好生成默认的吧;TODO @jason:建议还是搞一个,主要是后续好排查问题。
+        SequenceFlow sequenceFlow = new SequenceFlow(sourceId, targetId);
+        if (StrUtil.isNotEmpty(sequenceFlowId)) {
+            sequenceFlow.setId(sequenceFlowId);
+        }
+        if (StrUtil.isNotEmpty(sequenceFlowName)) {
+            sequenceFlow.setName(sequenceFlowName);
+        }
+        if (StrUtil.isNotEmpty(conditionExpression)) {
+            sequenceFlow.setConditionExpression(conditionExpression);
+        }
+        return sequenceFlow;
+    }
+    public static boolean isValidNode(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+        return node != null && node.getId() != null;
+    }
+    public static boolean isSequentialApproveNode(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+        return BpmSimpleModelNodeType.APPROVE_NODE.getType().equals(node.getType())
+                && BpmUserTaskApproveMethodEnum.SEQUENTIAL.getMethod().equals(node.getApproveMethod());
+    }
+    // ========== 各种 convert 节点的方法: BpmSimpleModelNodeVO => BPMN FlowElement ==========
+    private interface NodeConvert {
+        default List<? extends FlowElement> convertList(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            return Collections.singletonList(convert(node));
+        }
+        default FlowElement convert(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("请实现该方法");
+        }
+        BpmSimpleModelNodeType getType();
+    }
+    private static class StartNodeConvert implements NodeConvert {
+        @Override
+        public StartEvent convert(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            StartEvent startEvent = new StartEvent();
+            startEvent.setId(node.getId());
+            startEvent.setName(node.getName());
+            return startEvent;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public BpmSimpleModelNodeType getType() {
+            return BpmSimpleModelNodeType.START_NODE;
+        }
+    }
+    private static class EndNodeConvert implements NodeConvert {
+        @Override
+        public EndEvent convert(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            EndEvent endEvent = new EndEvent();
+            endEvent.setId(node.getId());
+            endEvent.setName(node.getName());
+            // TODO @芋艿 + jason:要不要加一个终止定义?
+            return endEvent;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public BpmSimpleModelNodeType getType() {
+            return BpmSimpleModelNodeType.END_NODE;
+        }
+    }
+    private static class StartUserNodeConvert implements NodeConvert {
+        @Override
+        public UserTask convert(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            UserTask userTask = new UserTask();
+            userTask.setId(node.getId());
+            userTask.setName(node.getName());
+            // 人工审批
+            addExtensionElement(userTask, USER_TASK_APPROVE_TYPE, BpmUserTaskApproveTypeEnum.USER.getType());
+            // 候选人策略为发起人自己
+            addCandidateElements(BpmTaskCandidateStrategyEnum.START_USER.getStrategy(), null, userTask);
+            // 添加表单字段权限属性元素
+            addFormFieldsPermission(node.getFieldsPermission(), userTask);
+            // 添加操作按钮配置属性元素
+            addButtonsSetting(node.getButtonsSetting(), userTask);
+            // 使用自动通过策略
+            // TODO @芋艿 复用了SKIP, 是否需要新加一个策略;TODO @芋艿:【回复】是不是应该类似飞书,搞个草稿状态。待定;还有一种策略,不标记自动通过,而是首次发起后,第一个节点,自动通过;
+            addAssignStartUserHandlerType(BpmUserTaskAssignStartUserHandlerTypeEnum.SKIP.getType(), userTask);
+            return userTask;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public BpmSimpleModelNodeType getType() {
+            return BpmSimpleModelNodeType.START_USER_NODE;
+        }
+    }
+    private static class ApproveNodeConvert implements NodeConvert {
+        @Override
+        public List<FlowElement> convertList(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            List<FlowElement> flowElements = new ArrayList<>(2);
+            // 1. 构建用户任务
+            UserTask userTask = buildBpmnUserTask(node);
+            flowElements.add(userTask);
+            // 2. 添加用户任务的 Timer Boundary Event, 用于任务的审批超时处理
+            if (node.getTimeoutHandler() != null && node.getTimeoutHandler().getEnable()) {
+                BoundaryEvent boundaryEvent = buildUserTaskTimeoutBoundaryEvent(userTask, node.getTimeoutHandler());
+                flowElements.add(boundaryEvent);
+            }
+            return flowElements;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public BpmSimpleModelNodeType getType() {
+            return BpmSimpleModelNodeType.APPROVE_NODE;
+        }
+        /**
+         * 添加 UserTask 用户的审批超时 BoundaryEvent 事件
+         *
+         * @param userTask       审批任务
+         * @param timeoutHandler 超时处理器
+         * @return BoundaryEvent 超时事件
+         */
+        private BoundaryEvent buildUserTaskTimeoutBoundaryEvent(UserTask userTask,
+                                                                BpmSimpleModelNodeVO.TimeoutHandler timeoutHandler) {
+            // 1.1 定时器边界事件
+            BoundaryEvent boundaryEvent = new BoundaryEvent();
+            boundaryEvent.setId("Event-" + IdUtil.fastUUID());
+            boundaryEvent.setCancelActivity(false); // 设置关联的任务为不会被中断
+            boundaryEvent.setAttachedToRef(userTask);
+            // 1.2 定义超时时间、最大提醒次数
+            TimerEventDefinition eventDefinition = new TimerEventDefinition();
+            eventDefinition.setTimeDuration(timeoutHandler.getTimeDuration());
+            if (Objects.equals(BpmUserTaskTimeoutHandlerTypeEnum.REMINDER.getType(), timeoutHandler.getType()) &&
+                    timeoutHandler.getMaxRemindCount() != null && timeoutHandler.getMaxRemindCount() > 1) {
+                eventDefinition.setTimeCycle(String.format("R%d/%s",
+                        timeoutHandler.getMaxRemindCount(), timeoutHandler.getTimeDuration()));
+            }
+            boundaryEvent.addEventDefinition(eventDefinition);
+            // 2.1 添加定时器边界事件类型
+            addExtensionElement(boundaryEvent, BOUNDARY_EVENT_TYPE, BpmBoundaryEventType.USER_TASK_TIMEOUT.getType());
+            // 2.2 添加超时执行动作元素
+            addExtensionElement(boundaryEvent, USER_TASK_TIMEOUT_HANDLER_TYPE, timeoutHandler.getType());
+            return boundaryEvent;
+        }
+        private UserTask buildBpmnUserTask(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            UserTask userTask = new UserTask();
+            userTask.setId(node.getId());
+            userTask.setName(node.getName());
+            // 如果不是审批人节点,则直接返回
+            addExtensionElement(userTask, USER_TASK_APPROVE_TYPE, node.getApproveType());
+            if (ObjectUtil.notEqual(node.getApproveType(), BpmUserTaskApproveTypeEnum.USER.getType())) {
+                return userTask;
+            }
+            // 添加候选人元素
+            addCandidateElements(node.getCandidateStrategy(), node.getCandidateParam(), userTask);
+            // 添加表单字段权限属性元素
+            addFormFieldsPermission(node.getFieldsPermission(), userTask);
+            // 添加操作按钮配置属性元素
+            addButtonsSetting(node.getButtonsSetting(), userTask);
+            // 处理多实例(审批方式)
+            processMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics(node.getApproveMethod(), node.getApproveRatio(), userTask);
+            // 添加任务被拒绝的处理元素
+            addTaskRejectElements(node.getRejectHandler(), userTask);
+            // 添加用户任务的审批人与发起人相同时的处理元素
+            addAssignStartUserHandlerType(node.getAssignStartUserHandlerType(), userTask);
+            // 添加用户任务的空处理元素
+            addAssignEmptyHandlerType(node.getAssignEmptyHandler(), userTask);
+            //  设置审批任务的截止时间
+            if (node.getTimeoutHandler() != null && node.getTimeoutHandler().getEnable()) {
+                userTask.setDueDate(node.getTimeoutHandler().getTimeDuration());
+            }
+            return userTask;
+        }
+        private void processMultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics(Integer approveMethod, Integer approveRatio, UserTask userTask) {
+            BpmUserTaskApproveMethodEnum approveMethodEnum = BpmUserTaskApproveMethodEnum.valueOf(approveMethod);
+            Assert.notNull(approveMethodEnum, "审批方式({})不能为空", approveMethodEnum);
+            // 添加审批方式的扩展属性
+            addExtensionElement(userTask, BpmnModelConstants.USER_TASK_APPROVE_METHOD, approveMethod);
+            if (approveMethodEnum == BpmUserTaskApproveMethodEnum.RANDOM) {
+                // 随机审批,不需要设置多实例属性
+                return;
+            }
+            // 处理多实例审批方式
+            MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics multiInstanceCharacteristics = new MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics();
+            // 设置 collectionVariable。本系统用不到,仅仅为了 Flowable 校验不报错
+            multiInstanceCharacteristics.setInputDataItem("${coll_userList}");
+            if (approveMethodEnum == BpmUserTaskApproveMethodEnum.ANY) {
+                multiInstanceCharacteristics.setCompletionCondition(approveMethodEnum.getCompletionCondition());
+                multiInstanceCharacteristics.setSequential(false);
+            } else if (approveMethodEnum == BpmUserTaskApproveMethodEnum.SEQUENTIAL) {
+                multiInstanceCharacteristics.setCompletionCondition(approveMethodEnum.getCompletionCondition());
+                multiInstanceCharacteristics.setSequential(true);
+                multiInstanceCharacteristics.setLoopCardinality("1");
+            } else if (approveMethodEnum == BpmUserTaskApproveMethodEnum.RATIO) {
+                Assert.notNull(approveRatio, "通过比例不能为空");
+                multiInstanceCharacteristics.setCompletionCondition(
+                        String.format(approveMethodEnum.getCompletionCondition(), String.format("%.2f", approveRatio / 100D)));
+                multiInstanceCharacteristics.setSequential(false);
+            }
+            userTask.setLoopCharacteristics(multiInstanceCharacteristics);
+        }
+    }
+    private static class CopyNodeConvert implements NodeConvert {
+        @Override
+        public ServiceTask convert(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            ServiceTask serviceTask = new ServiceTask();
+            serviceTask.setId(node.getId());
+            serviceTask.setName(node.getName());
+            serviceTask.setImplementationType(ImplementationType.IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_DELEGATEEXPRESSION);
+            serviceTask.setImplementation("${" + BpmCopyTaskDelegate.BEAN_NAME + "}");
+            // 添加抄送候选人元素
+            addCandidateElements(node.getCandidateStrategy(), node.getCandidateParam(), serviceTask);
+            // 添加表单字段权限属性元素
+            addFormFieldsPermission(node.getFieldsPermission(), serviceTask);
+            return serviceTask;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public BpmSimpleModelNodeType getType() {
+            return BpmSimpleModelNodeType.COPY_NODE;
+        }
+    }
+    private static class ConditionBranchNodeConvert implements NodeConvert {
+        @Override
+        public ExclusiveGateway convert(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            ExclusiveGateway exclusiveGateway = new ExclusiveGateway();
+            exclusiveGateway.setId(node.getId());
+            // TODO @jason:setName
+            // 设置默认的序列流(条件)
+            BpmSimpleModelNodeVO defaultSeqFlow = CollUtil.findOne(node.getConditionNodes(),
+                    item -> BooleanUtil.isTrue(item.getDefaultFlow()));
+            Assert.notNull(defaultSeqFlow, "条件分支节点({})的默认序列流不能为空", node.getId());
+            exclusiveGateway.setDefaultFlow(defaultSeqFlow.getId());
+            return exclusiveGateway;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public BpmSimpleModelNodeType getType() {
+            return BpmSimpleModelNodeType.CONDITION_BRANCH_NODE;
+        }
+    }
+    private static class ParallelBranchNodeConvert implements NodeConvert {
+        @Override
+        public List<ParallelGateway> convertList(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            ParallelGateway parallelGateway = new ParallelGateway();
+            parallelGateway.setId(node.getId());
+            // TODO @jason:setName
+            // 并行聚合网关由程序创建,前端不需要传入
+            ParallelGateway joinParallelGateway = new ParallelGateway();
+            joinParallelGateway.setId(buildGatewayJoinId(node.getId()));
+            // TODO @jason:setName
+            return CollUtil.newArrayList(parallelGateway, joinParallelGateway);
+        }
+        @Override
+        public BpmSimpleModelNodeType getType() {
+            return BpmSimpleModelNodeType.PARALLEL_BRANCH_NODE;
+        }
+    }
+    private static class InclusiveBranchNodeConvert implements NodeConvert {
+        @Override
+        public List<InclusiveGateway> convertList(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            InclusiveGateway inclusiveGateway = new InclusiveGateway();
+            inclusiveGateway.setId(node.getId());
+            // 设置默认的序列流(条件)
+            BpmSimpleModelNodeVO defaultSeqFlow = CollUtil.findOne(node.getConditionNodes(),
+                    item -> BooleanUtil.isTrue(item.getDefaultFlow()));
+            Assert.notNull(defaultSeqFlow, "包容分支节点({})的默认序列流不能为空", node.getId());
+            inclusiveGateway.setDefaultFlow(defaultSeqFlow.getId());
+            // TODO @jason:setName
+            // 并行聚合网关由程序创建,前端不需要传入
+            InclusiveGateway joinInclusiveGateway = new InclusiveGateway();
+            joinInclusiveGateway.setId(buildGatewayJoinId(node.getId()));
+            // TODO @jason:setName
+            return CollUtil.newArrayList(inclusiveGateway, joinInclusiveGateway);
+        }
+        @Override
+        public BpmSimpleModelNodeType getType() {
+            return BpmSimpleModelNodeType.INCLUSIVE_BRANCH_NODE;
+        }
+    }
+    public static class ConditionNodeConvert implements NodeConvert {
+        @Override
+        public List<? extends FlowElement> convertList(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            // 原因是:正常情况下,它不会被调用到
+            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("条件节点不支持转换");
+        }
+        @Override
+        public BpmSimpleModelNodeType getType() {
+            return BpmSimpleModelNodeType.CONDITION_NODE;
+        }
+        public static SequenceFlow buildSequenceFlow(String sourceId, String targetId,
+                                                     BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            String conditionExpression = buildConditionExpression(node);
+            return buildBpmnSequenceFlow(sourceId, targetId, node.getId(), node.getName(), conditionExpression);
+        }
+        /**
+         * 构造条件表达式
+         *
+         * @param node 条件节点
+         */
+        public static String buildConditionExpression(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO node) {
+            BpmSimpleModeConditionType conditionTypeEnum = BpmSimpleModeConditionType.valueOf(node.getConditionType());
+            if (conditionTypeEnum == BpmSimpleModeConditionType.EXPRESSION) {
+                return node.getConditionExpression();
+            }
+            if (conditionTypeEnum == BpmSimpleModeConditionType.RULE) {
+                BpmSimpleModelNodeVO.ConditionGroups conditionGroups = node.getConditionGroups();
+                if (conditionGroups == null || CollUtil.isEmpty(conditionGroups.getConditions())) {
+                    return null;
+                }
+                List<String> strConditionGroups = CollectionUtils.convertList(conditionGroups.getConditions(), item -> {
+                    if (CollUtil.isEmpty(item.getRules())) {
+                        return "";
+                    }
+                    // 构造规则表达式
+                    List<String> list = CollectionUtils.convertList(item.getRules(), (rule) -> {
+                        String rightSide = NumberUtil.isNumber(rule.getRightSide()) ? rule.getRightSide()
+                                : "\"" + rule.getRightSide() + "\""; // 如果非数值类型加引号
+                        return String.format(" %s %s var:convertByType(%s,%s)", rule.getLeftSide(), rule.getOpCode(), rule.getLeftSide(), rightSide);
+                    });
+                    // 构造条件组的表达式
+                    Boolean and = item.getAnd();
+                    return "(" + CollUtil.join(list, and ? " && " : " || ") + ")";
+                });
+                return String.format("${%s}", CollUtil.join(strConditionGroups, conditionGroups.getAnd() ? " && " : " || "));
+            }
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    private static String buildGatewayJoinId(String id) {
+        return id + "_join";
+    }
+    // ========== SIMPLE 流程预测相关的方法 ==========
+    public static List<BpmSimpleModelNodeVO> simulateProcess(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO rootNode, Map<String, Object> variables) {
+        List<BpmSimpleModelNodeVO> resultNodes = new ArrayList<>();
+        // 从头开始遍历
+        simulateNextNode(rootNode, variables, resultNodes);
+        return resultNodes;
+    }
+    private static void simulateNextNode(BpmSimpleModelNodeVO currentNode, Map<String, Object> variables,
+                                  List<BpmSimpleModelNodeVO> resultNodes) {
+        // 如果不合法(包括为空),则直接结束
+        if (!isValidNode(currentNode)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        BpmSimpleModelNodeType nodeType = BpmSimpleModelNodeType.valueOf(currentNode.getType());
+        Assert.notNull(nodeType, "模型节点类型不支持");
+        if (nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.START_NODE
+            || nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.START_USER_NODE
+            || nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.APPROVE_NODE
+            || nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.COPY_NODE
+            || nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.END_NODE) {
+            // 添加元素
+            resultNodes.add(currentNode);
+        }
+        // 情况:CONDITION_BRANCH_NODE 排它,只有一个满足条件的。如果没有,就走默认的
+        if (nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.CONDITION_BRANCH_NODE) {
+            // 查找满足条件的 BpmSimpleModelNodeVO 节点
+            BpmSimpleModelNodeVO matchConditionNode = CollUtil.findOne(currentNode.getConditionNodes(),
+                    conditionNode -> !BooleanUtil.isTrue(conditionNode.getDefaultFlow())
+                        && evalConditionExpress(variables, conditionNode));
+            if (matchConditionNode == null) {
+                matchConditionNode = CollUtil.findOne(currentNode.getConditionNodes(),
+                        conditionNode -> BooleanUtil.isTrue(conditionNode.getDefaultFlow()));
+            }
+            Assert.notNull(matchConditionNode, "找不到条件节点({})", currentNode);
+            // 遍历满足条件的 BpmSimpleModelNodeVO 节点
+            simulateNextNode(matchConditionNode.getChildNode(), variables, resultNodes);
+        }
+        // 情况:INCLUSIVE_BRANCH_NODE 包容,多个满足条件的。如果没有,就走默认的
+        if (nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.INCLUSIVE_BRANCH_NODE) {
+            // 查找满足条件的 BpmSimpleModelNodeVO 节点
+            Collection<BpmSimpleModelNodeVO> matchConditionNodes = CollUtil.filterNew(currentNode.getConditionNodes(),
+                    conditionNode -> !BooleanUtil.isTrue(conditionNode.getDefaultFlow())
+                            && evalConditionExpress(variables, conditionNode));
+            if (CollUtil.isEmpty(matchConditionNodes)) {
+                matchConditionNodes = CollUtil.filterNew(currentNode.getConditionNodes(),
+                        conditionNode -> BooleanUtil.isTrue(conditionNode.getDefaultFlow()));
+            }
+            Assert.isTrue(!matchConditionNodes.isEmpty(), "找不到条件节点({})", currentNode);
+            // 遍历满足条件的 BpmSimpleModelNodeVO 节点
+            matchConditionNodes.forEach(matchConditionNode ->
+                    simulateNextNode(matchConditionNode.getChildNode(), variables, resultNodes));
+        }
+        // 情况:PARALLEL_BRANCH_NODE 并行,都满足,都走
+        if (nodeType == BpmSimpleModelNodeType.PARALLEL_BRANCH_NODE) {
+            // 遍历所有 BpmSimpleModelNodeVO 节点
+            currentNode.getConditionNodes().forEach(matchConditionNode ->
+                    simulateNextNode(matchConditionNode.getChildNode(), variables, resultNodes));
+        }
+        // 遍历子节点
+        simulateNextNode(currentNode.getChildNode(), variables, resultNodes);
+    }
+    public static boolean evalConditionExpress(Map<String, Object> variables, BpmSimpleModelNodeVO conditionNode) {
+        return BpmnModelUtils.evalConditionExpress(variables, ConditionNodeConvert.buildConditionExpression(conditionNode));
+    }

Gitblit v1.9.3