| | |
| | | and t1.is_enable = #{params.isEnable} |
| | | </if> |
| | | </where> |
| | | order by t1.create_time desc |
| | | order by t1.create_time desc, t1.point_no desc |
| | | </select> |
| | | |
| | | <select id="getList" resultType="com.iailab.module.data.point.dto.DaPointDTO"> |
| | |
| | | and t1.is_enable = #{isEnable} |
| | | </if> |
| | | </where> |
| | | order by t1.create_time desc |
| | | order by t1.create_time desc, t1.point_no desc |
| | | </select> |
| | | |
| | | <select id="getConstantPoint" resultType="com.iailab.module.data.point.dto.DaPointDTO"> |
| | |
| | | </where> |
| | | </select> |
| | | |
| | | <select id="getCumulatePoint" resultType="com.iailab.module.data.point.dto.DaPointDTO"> |
| | | SELECT |
| | | t1.point_no, |
| | | t1.point_name, |
| | | t1.default_value, |
| | | t1.point_type, |
| | | t1.data_type, |
| | | t1.store_type, |
| | | t1.minfreqid, |
| | | t2.moment_point, |
| | | t2.length, |
| | | t2.divisor |
| | | FROM t_da_point t1 |
| | | LEFT JOIN t_da_cumulate_point t2 ON t2.point_id = t1.id |
| | | <where> |
| | | t1.point_type = #{pointType} |
| | | <if test="isEnable != null"> |
| | | AND t1.is_enable = #{isEnable} |
| | | </if> |
| | | <if test="minfreqid != null and minfreqid != ''"> |
| | | AND t1.minfreqid = #{minfreqid} |
| | | </if> |
| | | </where> |
| | | </select> |
| | | |
| | | </mapper> |