import type { Form, FormExpose } from '@/components/Form'
import type { ElForm } from 'element-plus'
import type { FormProps } from '@/components/Form/src/types'
import { FormSchema, FormSetPropsType } from '@/types/form'
export const useForm = (props?: FormProps) => {
// From实例
const formRef = ref<typeof Form & FormExpose>()
// ElForm实例
const elFormRef = ref<ComponentRef<typeof ElForm>>()
* @param ref Form实例
* @param elRef ElForm实例
const register = (ref: typeof Form & FormExpose, elRef: ComponentRef<typeof ElForm>) => {
formRef.value = ref
elFormRef.value = elRef
const getForm = async () => {
await nextTick()
const form = unref(formRef)
if (!form) {
console.error('The form is not registered. Please use the register method to register')
return form
// 一些内置的方法
const methods: {
setProps: (props: Recordable) => void
setValues: (data: Recordable) => void
getFormData: <T = Recordable | undefined>() => Promise<T>
setSchema: (schemaProps: FormSetPropsType[]) => void
addSchema: (formSchema: FormSchema, index?: number) => void
delSchema: (field: string) => void
} = {
setProps: async (props: FormProps = {}) => {
const form = await getForm()
if (props.model) {
setValues: async (data: Recordable) => {
const form = await getForm()
* @param schemaProps 需要设置的schemaProps
setSchema: async (schemaProps: FormSetPropsType[]) => {
const form = await getForm()
* @param formSchema 需要新增数据
* @param index 在哪里新增
addSchema: async (formSchema: FormSchema, index?: number) => {
const form = await getForm()
form?.addSchema(formSchema, index)
* @param field 删除哪个数据
delSchema: async (field: string) => {
const form = await getForm()
* @returns form data
getFormData: async <T = Recordable>(): Promise<T> => {
const form = await getForm()
return form?.formModel as T
props && methods.setProps(props)
return {