2024-09-06 c06f48bded461209f117167fbf89ed57a3f37ef4
提交 | 用户 | 时间
e7c126 1 admin_name=Scheduling Center
H 2 admin_name_full=Distributed Task Scheduling Platform XXL-JOB
3 admin_version=2.4.2-SNAPSHOT
4 admin_i18n=en
6 ## system
7 system_tips=System message
8 system_ok=Confirm 
9 system_close=Close
10 system_save=Save 
11 system_cancel=Cancel
12 system_search=Search
13 system_status=Status
14 system_opt=Operate
15 system_please_input=please input 
16 system_please_choose=please choose 
17 system_success=success
18 system_fail=fail
19 system_add_suc=add success
20 system_add_fail=add fail
21 system_update_suc=update success
22 system_update_fail=update fail
23 system_all=All
24 system_api_error=net error
25 system_show=Show
26 system_empty=Empty
27 system_opt_suc=operate success
28 system_opt_fail=operate fail
29 system_opt_edit=Edit
30 system_opt_del=Delete
31 system_opt_copy=Copy
32 system_unvalid=illegal
33 system_not_found=not exist
34 system_nav=Navigation
35 system_digits=digits
36 system_lengh_limit=Length limit
37 system_permission_limit=Permission limit
38 system_welcome=Welcome
40 ## daterangepicker
41 daterangepicker_ranges_recent_hour=recent one hour
42 daterangepicker_ranges_today=today
43 daterangepicker_ranges_yesterday=yesterday
44 daterangepicker_ranges_this_month=this month
45 daterangepicker_ranges_last_month=last month
46 daterangepicker_ranges_recent_week=recent one week
47 daterangepicker_ranges_recent_month=recent one month
48 daterangepicker_custom_name=custom
49 daterangepicker_custom_starttime=start time
50 daterangepicker_custom_endtime=end time
51 daterangepicker_custom_daysofweek=Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat
52 daterangepicker_custom_monthnames=Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec
54 ## dataTable
55 dataTable_sProcessing=processing...
56 dataTable_sLengthMenu= _MENU_ records per page
57 dataTable_sZeroRecords=No matching results
58 dataTable_sInfo=page _PAGE_  ( Total _PAGES_ pages,_TOTAL_ records )
59 dataTable_sInfoEmpty=No Record
60 dataTable_sInfoFiltered=(Filtered by _MAX_ results)
61 dataTable_sSearch=Search
62 dataTable_sEmptyTable=Table data is empty
63 dataTable_sLoadingRecords=Loading...
64 dataTable_sFirst=FIRST PAGE
65 dataTable_sPrevious=Previous Page
66 dataTable_sNext=Next Page
67 dataTable_sLast=LAST PAGE
68 dataTable_sSortAscending=: Rank this column in ascending order
69 dataTable_sSortDescending=: Rank this column in descending order
71 ## login
72 login_btn=Login
73 login_remember_me=Remember Me
74 login_username_placeholder=Please enter username
75 login_password_placeholder=Please enter password
76 login_username_empty=Please enter username
77 login_username_lt_4=Username length should not be less than 4
78 login_password_empty=Please enter password
79 login_password_lt_4=Password length should not be less than 4
80 login_success=Login success
81 login_fail=Login fail
82 login_param_empty=Username or password is empty
83 login_param_unvalid=Username or password error
85 ## logout
86 logout_btn=Logout
87 logout_confirm=Confirm logout?
88 logout_success=Logout success
89 logout_fail=Logout fail
91 ## change pwd
92 change_pwd=Change password
93 change_pwd_suc_to_logout=Change password successful, about to log out login
94 change_pwd_field_newpwd=new password
96 ## dashboard
97 job_dashboard_name=Run report
98 job_dashboard_job_num=Job number
99 job_dashboard_job_num_tip=The number of tasks running in the scheduling center
100 job_dashboard_trigger_num=trigger number
101 job_dashboard_trigger_num_tip=The number of trigger record scheduled by the scheduling center
102 job_dashboard_jobgroup_num=Executor number
103 job_dashboard_jobgroup_num_tip=The number of online executor machines perceived by the scheduling center
104 job_dashboard_report=Scheduling report
105 job_dashboard_report_loaddata_fail=Scheduling report load data error
106 job_dashboard_date_report=Date distribution
107 job_dashboard_rate_report=Percentage distribution
109 ## job info
110 jobinfo_name=Job Manage
111 jobinfo_job=Job
112 jobinfo_field_add=Add Job
113 jobinfo_field_update=Edit Job
114 jobinfo_field_id=Job ID
115 jobinfo_field_jobgroup=Executor
116 jobinfo_field_jobdesc=Job description
117 jobinfo_field_timeout=Job timeout period
118 jobinfo_field_gluetype=GLUE Type
119 jobinfo_field_executorparam=Param
120 jobinfo_field_author=Author
121 jobinfo_field_alarmemail=Alarm email
122 jobinfo_field_alarmemail_placeholder=Please enter alarm mail, if there are more than one comma separated
123 jobinfo_field_executorRouteStrategy=Route Strategy
124 jobinfo_field_childJobId=Child Job ID
125 jobinfo_field_childJobId_placeholder=Please enter the Child job ID, if there are more than one comma separated
126 jobinfo_field_executorBlockStrategy=Block Strategy
127 jobinfo_field_executorFailRetryCount=Fail Retry Count
128 jobinfo_field_executorFailRetryCount_placeholder=Fail Retry Count. effect if greater than zero
129 jobinfo_script_location=Script location
130 jobinfo_shard_index=Shard index
131 jobinfo_shard_total=Shard total
132 jobinfo_opt_stop=Stop
133 jobinfo_opt_start=Start
134 jobinfo_opt_log=Query Log
135 jobinfo_opt_run=Run Once
136 jobinfo_opt_run_tips=Please input the address for this trigger. Null will be obtained from the executor
137 jobinfo_opt_registryinfo=Registry Info
138 jobinfo_opt_next_time=Next trigger time
139 jobinfo_glue_remark=Resource Remark
140 jobinfo_glue_remark_limit=Resource Remark length is limited to 4~100
141 jobinfo_glue_rollback=Version Backtrack
142 jobinfo_glue_jobid_unvalid=Job ID is illegal
143 jobinfo_glue_gluetype_unvalid=The job is not GLUE Type
144 jobinfo_field_executorTimeout_placeholder=Job Timeout period,in seconds. effect if greater than zero
145 schedule_type=Schedule Type
146 schedule_type_none=None
147 schedule_type_cron=Cron
148 schedule_type_fix_rate=Fix rate
149 schedule_type_fix_delay=Fix delay
150 schedule_type_none_limit_start=The current schedule type disables startup
151 misfire_strategy=Misfire strategy
152 misfire_strategy_do_nothing=Do nothing
153 misfire_strategy_fire_once_now=Fire once now
154 jobinfo_conf_base=Base configuration
155 jobinfo_conf_schedule=Schedule configuration
156 jobinfo_conf_job=Job configuration
157 jobinfo_conf_advanced=Advanced configuration
159 ## job log
160 joblog_name=Trigger Log
161 joblog_status=Status
162 joblog_status_all=All
163 joblog_status_suc=Success
164 joblog_status_fail=Fail
165 joblog_status_running=Running
166 joblog_field_triggerTime=Trigger Time
167 joblog_field_triggerCode=Trigger Result
168 joblog_field_triggerMsg=Trigger Msg
169 joblog_field_handleTime=Handle Time
170 joblog_field_handleCode=Handle Result
171 joblog_field_handleMsg=Trigger Msg
172 joblog_field_executorAddress=Executor Address
173 joblog_clean=Clean
174 joblog_clean_log=Clean Log
175 joblog_clean_type=Clean Type
176 joblog_clean_type_1=Clean up log data a month ago
177 joblog_clean_type_2=Clean up log data three month ago
178 joblog_clean_type_3=Clean up log data six month ago
179 joblog_clean_type_4=Clean up log data a year ago
180 joblog_clean_type_5=Clean up log data a thousand record ago
181 joblog_clean_type_6=Clean up log data ten thousand record ago
182 joblog_clean_type_7=Clean up log data thirty thousand record ago
183 joblog_clean_type_8=Clean up log data hundred thousand record ago
184 joblog_clean_type_9=Clean up all log data
185 joblog_clean_type_unvalid=Clean type is illegal
186 joblog_handleCode_200=Success
187 joblog_handleCode_500=Fail
188 joblog_handleCode_502=Timeout
189 joblog_kill_log=Kill Job
190 joblog_kill_log_limit=Trigger Fail, can not kill job
191 joblog_kill_log_byman=Manual operation, kill job
192 joblog_lost_fail=Job result lost, marked as failure
193 joblog_rolling_log=Rolling log
194 joblog_rolling_log_refresh=Refresh 
195 joblog_rolling_log_triggerfail=The job trigger fail, can not view the rolling log
196 joblog_rolling_log_failoften=The request for the Rolling log is terminated, the number of failed requests exceeds the limit, Reload the log on the refresh page
197 joblog_logid_unvalid=Log ID is illegal
199 ## job group
200 jobgroup_name=Executor Manage
201 jobgroup_list=Executor List
202 jobgroup_add=Add Executor
203 jobgroup_edit=Edit Executor
204 jobgroup_del=Delete Executor
205 jobgroup_field_title=Title
206 jobgroup_field_addressType=Registry Type
207 jobgroup_field_addressType_0=Automatic registration
208 jobgroup_field_addressType_1=Manual registration
209 jobgroup_field_addressType_limit=Manually registration type, the machine address must not be empty
210 jobgroup_field_registryList=machine address
211 jobgroup_field_registryList_unvalid=registry machine address is illegal
212 jobgroup_field_registryList_placeholder=Please enter the machine address, if there are more than one comma separated
213 jobgroup_field_appname_limit=Limit the beginning of a lowercase letter, consists of lowercase letters、number and hyphen.
214 jobgroup_field_appname_length=AppName length is limited to 4~64
215 jobgroup_field_title_length=Title length is limited to 4~12
216 jobgroup_field_order_digits=Please enter a positive integer
217 jobgroup_field_orderrange=Order is limited to 1~1000
218 jobgroup_del_limit_0=Refuse to delete, the executor is being used
219 jobgroup_del_limit_1=Refuses to delete, the system retains at least one executor
220 jobgroup_empty=There is no valid executor. Please contact the administrator
222 ## job conf
223 jobconf_block_SERIAL_EXECUTION=Serial execution
224 jobconf_block_DISCARD_LATER=Discard Later
225 jobconf_block_COVER_EARLY=Cover Early
226 jobconf_route_first=First
227 jobconf_route_last=Last
228 jobconf_route_round=Round
229 jobconf_route_random=Random
230 jobconf_route_consistenthash=Consistent Hash
231 jobconf_route_lfu=Least Frequently Used
232 jobconf_route_lru=Least Recently Used
233 jobconf_route_failover=Failover
234 jobconf_route_busyover=Busyover
235 jobconf_route_shard=Sharding Broadcast
236 jobconf_idleBeat=Idle check
237 jobconf_beat=Heartbeats
238 jobconf_monitor=Task Scheduling Center monitor alarm
239 jobconf_monitor_detail=monitor alarm details
240 jobconf_monitor_alarm_title=Alarm Type
241 jobconf_monitor_alarm_type=Trigger Fail
242 jobconf_monitor_alarm_content=Alarm Content
243 jobconf_trigger_admin_adress=Trigger machine address
244 jobconf_trigger_exe_regtype=Execotor-Registry Type
245 jobconf_trigger_exe_regaddress=Execotor-Registry Address
246 jobconf_trigger_address_empty=Trigger Fail:registry address is empty
247 jobconf_trigger_run=Trigger Job
248 jobconf_trigger_child_run=Trigger child job
249 jobconf_callback_child_msg1={0}/{1} [Job ID={2}], Trigger {3}, Trigger msg: {4} <br>
250 jobconf_callback_child_msg2={0}/{1} [Job ID={2}], Trigger Fail, Trigger msg: Job ID is illegal <br>
251 jobconf_trigger_type=Job trigger type
252 jobconf_trigger_type_cron=Cron trigger
253 jobconf_trigger_type_manual=Manual trigger
254 jobconf_trigger_type_parent=Parent job trigger
255 jobconf_trigger_type_api=Api trigger
256 jobconf_trigger_type_retry=Fail retry trigger
257 jobconf_trigger_type_misfire=Misfire compensation trigger
259 ## user
260 user_manage=User Manage
261 user_username=Username
262 user_password=Password
263 user_role=Role
264 user_role_admin=Admin User
265 user_role_normal=Normal User
266 user_permission=Permission
267 user_add=Add User
268 user_update=Edit User
269 user_username_repeat=Username Repeat
270 user_username_valid=Restrictions start with a lowercase letter and consist of lowercase letters and Numbers
271 user_password_update_placeholder=Please input password, empty means not update
272 user_update_loginuser_limit=Operation of current login account is not allowed
274 ## help
275 job_help=Tutorial
276 job_help_document=Official Document